Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Grill at ComputerWorld

Everyone in the technology fields has the opportunity to be buried under a deluge of free magazines. We have all been seduced into accepting just one more free subscription. Many of us receive enough of these to build an entire house or to fuel a stove through a long, hard winter. As you would expect of free publications, most of what they contain is shallow drivel that is just good enough to attract advertisers.

In this blizzard of worthless words there are a few pubs that are actually good. Every week I am pleased to receive ComputerWorld. I immediately head to the center of the magazine where "The Grill" column is hidden. They always have a quick interview with someone that I am genuinely interested in hearing from. Honestly, I do not look at anything else in the magazine. It is that one golden nugget that makes it worth getting the magazine.

What will you get in the "The Grill"?
Here is a Google list of Recent Interviews

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Sunday, August 12, 2007 CTO

It seems that all CTO's are asking a similar question: How do you define what CTO's do? Who is doing it well? A recent posting by Werner Vogels, the CTO of, followed this same line of inquiry (see link below).

It seems that everyone wants to define the CEO, CIO, and CFO. But the CTO can just run his own show and perhaps someone will let him or her know when they have made a mess of things - or perhaps not.

Role of the CTO

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